Hi Linda I am calling to thank you for making me I mean nominating me for teacher of the year. I really appreciate it. We have not spoken in some time. I will be heading to San Francisco late maybe we can catch up later.
So from this I know that the person is a teacher and calling out of state. He does not know he called a wrong number and I cannot wait until he calls back and says Hi Linda I am in San Francisco. Give me a call back and will catch up.
Then it was time to put books on Half.com for sale. Just do not want the books in the house anymore. Afterwards it was just finding a way to pass time until the Giants game. The game was nerve wrecking. I was happy when the Giants took the lead but when it came down to the bottom of the ninth inning I was scared. I had no idea what was going to happen with two outs.
Then I asked my friend what is going to happen. He said it would be ok. Well little, did I know he was going be right? I thought they would go to extra innings. The Giants won verse the Dodgers. One game down and three games to go.
Horoscope: Not the best day in your life, but not the worst. Somewhere in the murky middle.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: The Giants and Walk'er (chicken).