I walked in on the first floor and I think I caught someones attention. I was thinking the guy is not looking at me is he? A geeky looking girl (wore glasses) that is dressed professional. I was nervous but then calmed and became quiet if any of you believe it.
Once I arrived, I found out I had to fill out an application there too. It was just annoying but had to be done. I was smart enough to bring a pen with me to write with. That took a while. Then we head in into the room to begin the interview process. I was first at everything and almost last at everything. She had someone make comments on who said what. I knew I was out when a few said they worked at ___ Macy's.
I spoke when I could but I am not a competitive person unless I am up against someone who is slower than I am. I know not a good example but that is just how I feel. I left the interview thinking I did ok but not my best. I then went to Aeropostale but did not find anything. I was in the mood to spend money but not looking the way I was dressed.
Mc Donald's is supposed to be fast food if I am not mistaken. The person who was cashiering did not understand English that well and was extremely slow. It took him about 5 minutes for my order of two hot fudge sundaes.
I came home and was wiped out. I had to get out of the professional looking clothes. No mystery now to where I was interviewed at now. I hope I get the job. I need one. Even if it is part time now I have to wait and apply to other jobs.
Horoscope: Ah, romance. Make spaghetti and have a 'Lady and the Tramp' moment.
Watching: Healing Hands
Listening to:
Thinking about:Watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy during the reairring.