I did succeed doing both and the call about Tucker being safe was in the Giants favor. Even the Giants dugout had a good view and that is because the view is better from the third base dugout than the first though most National League teams home dugout is along first. I learned this in an e-mail or on the Giants website. I am just full of strange facts.
I would have agreed about third base being better than first base because the seats there are just funny and strange. Well I had a few things to do today and none of that included getting at least eight hours of sleep. I was tempted to take a couple of pills to put me to sleep but then realized I did not have any so it was back to sleep and trying to fight the noise of the birds. Sometimes I wish I had a gun and could shot the birds that made noise or fire a warning shot. It is something I have thought about for a while. But not going to get a gun or fire it.
As the game ended on a high note, I began searching for news on the Giants website. I came across an article that every Giants fan can relate to about Mr. Barry Bonds. I saw a row of chickens and wanted to know more about it. Giants launch 'Operation Cluck' is the article. It explains who started it and what the chicken's name is.
Horoscope: Enough with all the extras in the background. Focus on the main stars of your life.
Listening to: Angel Eyes - Ace Of Base
Thinking about: My past life...