Jerboa ears! : A keeper of the zoo of Magdeburg holds a long-eared jerboa (Euchoreutes naso), in the eastern town of Halle. (AFP/DDP/Jens Scheutler)
Tuesday June 15, 2004
Roasted monkeys are on display in front of a woman selling monkey meat in Kisangani, Congo, on April 15, 2004. At Mama Ekila's Inzia restaurant, African bushmeat is flown in _ and fried up _ for discerning diners looking to put a bit of adventure on their plate. (AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam)
Wednesday June 16, 2004
Sanrio Co unveils its platinum tiara jewellery decorated with 'Hello Kitty' charm at the company headquarters in Tokyo, June 16, 2004. The tiara, encrusted with 167 pink and black colour diamonds and seven pearls, will go on sale in Japan from July to commemorate Hello Kitty's 30th anniversary. Sanrio's Kitty tiara will be available by made-to-order at three million yen ($27,300). REUTERS/Toshiyuki Aizawa
Thursday June 17, 2004
Brewery manager Stefan Fritsche pours Anti-Aging-Bier into a glass during an interview at the Neuzeller Kloster Brewery in the village of Neuzelle east of Berlin May 28, 2004. The small brewer near the Polish border added seaweed and minerals to the traditional drink in the hope of luring back drinkers with the promise of longevity as Germany's thirst for beer is drying up. REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann
In an effort to reach consumers directly, the Walt Disney Co. plans to compete directly with video renters like Blockbust Inc. with a low cost service called Moviebeam in the Fall of 2004. The Moviebeam hardware is pictured in this undated publicity photograph. The movies are broadcast through conventional television airwaves and are decoded with the special Moviebeam hardware. NO SALES REUTERS/Moviebeam/Handout
Members of the public pause as they stop to view the casket of legendary singer and musician Ray Charles (news) at the Los Angeles convention center in Los Angeles, June 17, 2004. Charles died of liver disease on June 10. The casket was flanked by a floral display with his initials and his piano. The funeral for Charles will be held June 18 in Los Angeles. REUTERS/Fred Prouser