I have some chip and then start to clean. Yes, I know that is no surprise because that is practically all I do at home besides look for a job. I find a baby book name. I flip through it and see marks in the boys name part. I automatically assume (assuming is very bad by the way) that those names might have been for my brother. Some of the names were Gaylord, Cyril, Sibley, Darby, and Solon. So I start to make fun of my brother. Then I ask my mum who chose my name and why did you not consult the baby name book. Then she goes oh those names were for you. For me?!?! So then, I start to freak out because those could have been my names. Jethro Chan. I cannot see it. Well then my mum goes oh your dad thought you would be a boy. Is that why I never get what I want because I was not a boy?
Then my mum remembers that someone gave them the book. I freaked out for nothing and was almost scarred because it was someone's book to begin with. I then asked why you pick the name you did for me. Why not something other than Jennifer because who will ever know? I mean they had three days at least to pick a name.
The Giants game was going to cheer me up but then it took a turn for the worse. The agony of watching a sweet game of Giants winning to Giants losing was hard. Tomorrow is another day and everyone starts out at zero again.
Horoscope: Life is like a slab of meat. Cut off all the fat. Only eat the tasty stuff.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: Giants kicking some Boston bum!