
Not enough sleep...

I did go to bed somewhat late but at least it was not terribly late. I then woke up around half past twelve. I decided I was still tired and went back to sleep for another hour. I had no idea my cell phone rang even though the ring was at the highest level. Maybe the ring was not loud. That was about 11.00 a.m. then I wake up and make some lunch.

I actually did try to look for jobs today and if I want, I might be able to get a temporary part time job. I do not know if I will do it but I might for a while. Then I decided to do a little bit of cleaning (yes I know I do it too much). Then I remembered the Giants game was on but not on TV. I followed online and then the radio when it became a tie. I came back from eating dinner to find out we lost by one run.

Then I was told I had to figure out how to use the washing machine. I knew how to use it because it is similar to the ones when I lived in the dorms. I came up with a rule that states if you do not know how to use it then wash your clothes the old fashion way. That is going to a river and beating it with a rock or a stick. With modern convinces you could use the bathtub.

I never realized how cheap the photo people are. I got my proof from graduation and all it is, is a color printed picture of me. Before they would have an actual bit of photo paper but Technology has made it possible not to have it. I did clean up the house a little but that is just me.

Horoscope: That experience is perfect fodder for a short story. Write it. But change the names.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Interview! AHHHHHHHHH
Mood: Content