The Giants had a disappointing game but at Coors field, anything can happen as the announcers say. We were slaughtered in the game. There is nothing to worry about because we have two more games and we can kick butt then. I actually did get a few things done like post some textbooks for sale but that is all. Not a productive day after all but just plain boring.
President Ronald Regan passed away today at 1.09 p.m. pacific standard time. he was 93 years old and one of the oldest living presidents. He became president at the age of 69 and was first a movie star then president of the screen actor's guild. He had Alzheimer's and suffered from pneumonia.
Horoscope: Someone's about to pin a prize on you. Make sure you're wearing your best.
Listening to:
Thinking about: If those e-mails from places who saw my resume are legit.