Today was a good day. How I will explain. I decided on the interview on Tuesday so I have time to work on kissing bum to get the job. I had to ask for details on what to do from someone who did work there. Where I will not say that I am interviewing for but I am hoping I get the job. If I do, I will give discounts. So that somewhat gives it away as to what I will do.
I went to bed slightly earlier today. I am trying to prepare myself for next week. It is not really working but I am trying hard. The Giants won which makes me happy. Anytime they do something good (win) I happy. They did well and it was just unfair that Barry Bonds was hit with a pitch. When he stuck out that was fair because they pitched to him and did not walk him. I was just too into whatever I was watching to really watch the game but I did follow it towards the end and online.
On to my good deed for the day or being a savior. I might have just saved my friend from going to school in the fall for one class. I should start at the beginning. During orientation before the semester started, it was not really required to go to it but I did. There during orientation they give you a folder, a schedule of classes, and you fall schedule. I kept the schedule of classes because it had a list of the stuff you were required to take for general education. They also said you should pick up the catalog too. I find that thing useless.
Well I kept that because I have this thing about saving stuff to scrapbook. Well he asked me if I had it, I said yes. I also remember someone saying when you enter school the requirements that are there then are suppose to apply to you for the rest of your time in school. He went in just a year earlier than I did but I am sure that it did not change that much in a year. It was only in the last few years it changed. The changes would not affect me since I was there before the changes. He should have the same requirements as me. I just hope that I can bail him out of the one class. I did find it strange they would change it and not make the exception for him.
I did find online that requirements had not changed. Therefore, I think they might have misprinted in the schedule of classes. Anyway, I am glad and hope it works out for my friend. Great QEftSG tonight because it had me laughing in the beginning and I hope it does in the end too.
Horoscope: Matters of style figure strongly today. Dress up a typical meal with an unusual sauce.
Watching: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Listening to:
Thinking about: Waking up on time on Tuesday.
Mood: Optimistic