I am so pissed off now because the person speaking to me was speaking in third person format so it was confusing. They were using a language that they learned to speak first while I learned English then the second language. Now for me to tell them how to speak is wrong but it is true. So I am not going to fix it and now will be pissed for the rest of the night. Nothing can cheer me up or calm me down.
Such a little argument would anger me so. In a word, yes.
Horoscope: Every so often you stop and realize how amazing your world is. It's all because you're so smart and beautiful. And the icing on the cake is that right now you're very lucky. No thanks are required. After all, exactly how would you thank the stars? However, you do owe yourself a rich moment of savoring and reflecting before diving back into the mix. You could live like this every day, and you're sure it wouldn't get old.
Listening to: True - Spandau Ballet
Thinking about: Pissed off. That's my thought.