On to other things now that I completed my 5 years in high education. I went to bed at 5.00 a.m. not exactly but close enough. I watched the ABC 7 News to find out the weather. I did eventually fall sleep before the sun ever reached my vision.
I did wake up about eight hours later to catch the Giants baseball game on TV. I believe they were tied when I started watched or winning not sure. However, the game was a long one. It lasted about three hours and some minutes. It was crazy and not as exciting as watching the game yesterday when Reed was tossed out of the game. The highlight of the game had to be when they were showing people warming up in the bullpen. It looked like they were in the backyard or something.
Then I was bored and started to look for kao ani. They are those little images I have on the side with my information. That is irony for you. I will look for those but not a job. I have really, except there are not a lot of postings and I have to think more along the lines of companies that have websites and look for a job that way. I usually do that at night since I can take my time.
I did try to create a skin or template for my blog. I thought it needed a change with the stuff that I found over the weekend but then I could not get it to look right so I gave up. I suppose I could make a list of companies I would be able to work for. Banks are also on the list as well. I guess I am doing what I thought I wanted to do when I was younger. Being a secretary seemed like something I would be good at. Then the whole dot com thing came about then I changed my idea of what I wanted to do but now it seems as if my backup of what do you want to do when you grow up might be the job I will end up with. The saying goes pickers cannot be choosers and I am not choosing but it is choosing me.
My horoscope might be talking about my bank sending me a letter explaining how they will combine statements together. It is about time. On the other hand, it might be a sign that I will get a job soon.
Horoscope: You've been thrust into a financial situation you don't understand. Call for advice.
Listening to: Power of Love - Luther Vandross
Thinking about: Interview and how to present myself. How should I dress?