After moving my dresser back and forth at a failed attempt to give my room a phone, I just decided that I would spend my time sitting and watching soap operas. In addition, my mother told me to look for an agent to help me find a job. Now granted I am new to the work force or something of that sort but is it necessary to have an agent help you look for jobs. Would not it be better if I did it myself? She then explains to me that I should call up those that needed one to help them find a job. I told her most of those places or agencies only give you temporary jobs and sometimes you have to look for them yourself. That is the same as looking at online job sites for jobs.
This whole thing is suppose to be a learning experience. Ironic that she would call up her friends and tell them there is a hotel downtown hiring people to be house keeping and not inform me. Technically that would be the same as the agency that helps you get contract jobs. I know from others that contract jobs are a pain because once they end you have to find another and you will not know how long that will take.
Why not have a job that is decent and full time that you somewhat like instead of temporary jobs once in a while? It is almost as if you were a doctor on call. I tried to explain that to her but she does not understand.
She believes working one day a week is better than I am right now. I believe looking for a long-term job is better than a temporary jobs but it will give me more experience but will probably make me bitter in the end. Why be on a miserable roller coaster when you can be on a freeway.
Then another day of having mysterious phone calls to the house where no one says anything but calls and listens to the message and then hangs up. That was the day until I found out Barry Bonds hit another home run. He is on fire! Let's go Giants!
Horoscope: They have to get used to the new routine. Then they'll feel more secure.
Watching: Healing Hands
Listening to:
Thinking about: Agents and how useless they are at times.