Cleaning the house or being told what to do is another thing. Cleaning I do not mind as long as if it is a communal bathroom shared then the other person should clean it occasionally. Daughters are the ones seen to do all the cleaning and the cooking while the men do not have to do anything.
It seems like the girl does all the work and gets none of the credit. Sometimes I wonder why if it is because I am the oldest or they (parents) feel the son cannot do it. I bet they just love torturing me with making a phone calls, fill this out, what does this say, what does this word mean, and my favorite is make reservations on the day of it two hours before the actual meal. The most annoying is having a phone in every room except the room that should have a phone. It is as if I am in the Stone Age and even a bathroom has a phone but not my room. I have to hunt down the cordless to answer the phone. How is that possible a bathroom has more priority over a room where a person sleeps in? If there was a fire or some call to wake me up I would never know. Probably all for the better or is it?
I fit the typical stereotype of being a secretary because I am organized and keep things neat and in order. No one else wants to and without that being done who knows what would happen if I was not around if the house would even function. Taking down inventory of what we have and that is not fun but someone has to do it. It might as well be me. I wonder if that is why my grades are average. I cannot really blame that because since elementary school I have been a procrastinator.
Horoscope: There are plenty of other ways to get your point across. Sculpture, for example.
Listening to: Something Beautiful - Robbie William
Thinking about: Life in general.