Everyone wants a "quick fix" for abdominals and the six-pack. I saw the Katami Bar. Picabo Street, Apollo Ono, and Dan Jansen said that this was a good workout. Now I have to wonder does it really work and if it does not how much are these athletes being paid to say it does. Even Alexandra Paul from Baywatch said it was a good workout. It did catch my eye and I would order it but it cost about $150 plus shipping. That is a lot for a bar.
Next item that I have thought about purchasing was Windsor Pilates. I know I wanted to take Pilates while in school but it did not fit my schedule. I wonder if it does work. Daisy Fuentes endorses this along with Danny Glover. Price about the same as the bar.
Suzanne Somers has to be the queen of this. She started the thigh master. Now her new item is a BodyRow. What it does is works all your arms and your abdominals. It looks good and looks like it works because you can do at least six different exercises that will workout your body. Price for this baby to be sent to your house about $450 plus shipping.
Tae Bo. I am sure everyone has heard about this at one time or another, a fancy name for kickboxing. I liked doing that and too bad, I need an instructor to keep me motivated. Excellent but I do not know if it will give you definition, you want in your abdominals and tone you up. Price is about $40 plus shipping.
Lateral thigh trainer. This looks like a mini step machine. This I could consider purchasing because I could be watching TV and working out at the same time. If it only works out thighs then it is a waste unless you want better-looking thighs. Price I found online with free shipping $99.99.
RevoStyler is a hairbrush that makes your hair shiny and will not tangle. I thought about this to use to get straight hair but if it does not work then a waste of money. If I needed my hair straighten I would just get it perm occasionally. Price is about $35 plush shipping.
Hairagami is also one I want too. It looks simple but it might be a fad. It looks simple and some of the hair accessories they have to allow you to have different styles look nice. I am just unsure about buying this. Price of this plus shipping $30.
The Alexis Vogel makeup set does look like something I would purchase. However too much make up is never a good thing. If it simple and fast I would consider it. It just is pricy for makeup. It does look like it works because the before and after show a real difference. Price is about $200 plus shipping.
Overall, I would have to say that hard work and the proper diet would get you the body you want. The makeup does not make the person but the personality does. The brush that rotates does seem like it would help those that want hair to be straight. If you get that, you might as well get the stand that holds your hair dryer. That item is called the Hair Made would cost about $25 plus shipping.
Horoscope: Oddly enough, you may wake up and find that you're suddenly in the mood to 'nest' -- which will strike your dear ones as equally odd. Settle for making plans to tidy up.
Watching: World News Now on ABC
Listening to:
Thinking about: Sleep.