Thinking hurts.
Wednesday May 2, 2004
I'm Mary Poppins.
I learned something today. If you are walking with a friend and say something, make sure they hear it so at least one of you remember. I learned that today because I said order sushi first then buy milk tea and then come back to pick up sushi. Lucky someone reminded me or I would have been home and forgotten all about it. The thing is that I paid for the items as well. I could have walked all the way home and then realized it and then back and that would have been more than two and a half miles. I guess I walked at least two and a half miles and I was right.
I had milk tea after five whole days without it. I loved it every drop of it. It was almost perfect but I think the tapioca was not that great. It was a little off. This is not the first time but the second time in two weeks. I wonder if their tapioca is not the best anymore. The drink is fine just the tapioca.
I had to make jokes or wise remarks about the president. What fun is it if you cannot when Jay Leno is taking a break? Someone has to fill in the slack.
Horoscope: Your mind is moving a hundred miles an hour. Yet you can hardly move. Motivate!
Watching: Giants VS. Diamondbacks
Listening to:
Thinking about: