Post office website is not helpful. For people that deliver mail and stuff they suck. I mean seriously. I have no idea why my packages were rejected and then when sent again it came. The last half of May was just screwing the bills up. No bills to pay and I have not a clue why.
I am so pissed at the post office. I would go down there and give them a piece of my mind but I do not feel like it. I also believe whomever the bills come to should go complain.
I did not do anything for jobs except apply to a few more and looked for jobs. I did try looking for jobs in Hong Kong except they wanted people with experience and a degree. How is that possible? And if they are looking for young people? Beats me.
Horoscope: Slow down or all you'll have created is a house of cards. Remember Rome? Took time.
Listening to:
Thinking about: J-O-B
Mood: Cranky