
The N Judah...

The 7.10am light rail driver. Oh how we have this love hate relationship. I hate you and you don't love me. My beef with you is that you never seem to want to open all the doors except at "major" stops. This would be at 19th Avenue, 9th and Judah, UCSF (which you call UC hospital), Carl and Cole, and Church and Duboce.

First of all is it that hard to just hit the switch that opens all the doors? Second, can you just announce all the stops??? You're so lazy at doing that. It would be easier to just say UCSF instead of UC hospital. Third, why is it that you raise the steps when going into the tunnel while moving?? Why can you put up the steps after you close the doors at Church and Duboce? And my last thing is why are you only announcing stops when the light rail cars aren't packed?

You are getting on my nerves and honestly I could do your job better.

Capricorn Horoscope: