
I so hate this fucking holiday...THANKS-FUCKING-GIVING!

I'll tell you why I hate this fucking holiday. It's about being "thankful" for this you have. Well in my case, it's for shit I don't FUCKING HAVE ANYMORE! Some fucking times people just need to fucking get over themselves and stop trying to fucking throw all shit away that they fucking think is a fucking eye sore.

They can't even fucking take care of their own SHIT and they fucking get on your fucking case for having too much fucking stuff. Do they know that the shit that you own is fucking worth money? NO they fucking do not know that.

It never ceases to fucking amaze me that after a fucking loud as shouting match that they would fucking forget that that belongs to the fucking person that paid for it. If there is fucking space in the fucking house for shit they should be able to keep it for whatever fucking reason they can.

Shit that is worth money takes up space. I fucking know that and so does every fucking collect that is out there. All stuff takes up room. If I had some fucking storage space I would fucking place it there. I like to know that I still have my shit.

NOw I fucking must find a fucking way to keep shit in my room. How fucking sad is that? Shit I might as well move out and get my own fucking place and have all my shit out. One of these days they will be fucking sad cos all my shit is gone and they don't have a fucking translator in the house. When that fucking day happens I will be like, well fuck! It's not my fault.

This rant brought to you by fucking people who fucking are fucking control freaks over other people's shit.

I am not thankful this Thanksgiving. I fucking protest this holiday. I will not eat turkey. Fuck it!

This rant was brought to you by this item being thrown out of the house without my knowledge because some fucking people are pricks and dicks because they don't fucking check the fucking box to see if there's important shit inside. After just about a little over a year, had I placed this item on eBay I would have made a couple of dollars. The almighty dollar!

Horoscope: You may need to make a few calls or send a few emails to track down that one person you need to reach. If it's a long-lost relative, you may surprise your family with your tenacity and resourcefulness!