

Well I woke up this morning (yes morning) and I was surprised that I could function. I just forgot one thing yesterday. It was more like Friday and that was to take a Tylonol before I went to sleep. You see, I think I'm coming down with something. I don't know why, but it might because of all the people in the office with germs. Yes, I said it.

Well then when I did get up I tried to watch or listen to the Giants game. See I am getting back into the game slowly. Last weekend I felt like I just didn't like baseball anymore. This week I think I'm back to liking it. Something had to have happen to me to make me feel that way. Well I turned on the radio to find out that the game was canceled because it was rainning over there. That's too bad.

I just listened to Bruce Macgowan talk for a while or until roughly about 2.30 p.m. when it was turned over to ESPN. All they were talking about was Bonds, Barry. I think this topic has been beaten to death. The one guy who called in made a point on how the grand jury information could have been leaked. It would take a paralegal to release that information. If they find out who did it, they could serve prison time.

This whole steroids thing has just gotten out of hand. There are those that think he's done it and then there are those that think he hasn't and those that want proof otherwise he's innocent. You can "ASSUME" anything.

Back to today. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that it was sunny today. The sun it out, but I'm sure it's cold outside. Really more of a day that you would just want to stay at home and keep warm. Or you could go out to someplace and just stay there where it's warm. The key is staying inside somewhere.

The counter on the top of the page reminds me why I started this blog. To record all the neat baseball memories that I have and just what goes on in my life. I've got a couple of entries that I have to predate, but it's ok. That's why this is the place to be. I randomly found this and think it's great. Xanga is another story. I should link my work blog to this one too. I keep forgetting to do that. I will today.

I have seen this blog site change. They didn't have the option of putting up pictures before, but now they do. I love it. Before you would have to do it the old fashion way. You know put in a link and then find a place to host the picture. Glad the new features are here.


Horoscope: Shared resources aren't divided equally. Audit the situation and act accordingly. Your creativity is sparking in a serious way. It's a great time to put pen to paper (or clay to potter's wheel or needle to cloth -- whatever floats your boat). Your artistic endeavors will help you see a way out of a household headache, too.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02