
Lack of sleep...

I am up at 2 a.m. Why? Do not know. Reason? None. Working? No. Made changes to the website to make it more heavenly feeling. I do not know why. I am just odd. I realize that my memory is crap at any hour of the day. Not just in the morning but at night as well. I cannot comprehend what others say when it is their morning and my early morning about the graveyard shift time. Hmm. I wonder if Adam has gone M.I.A. and found something to do. I wonder how Allan is right now. I wonder what all the rest of the people that I went to Bath with are doing. I just wonder a lot and never ask. That is just me I suppose. Blogging is a good idea. Whoever invented it I must thank. I can go on and on about stuff that is irrelevant and off topic.

So I estimate the time that I went to bed at about 3 a.m.ish. I then set the alarm for almost half past 6. I finally got up at about half past 7 I think. I still managed to drive ok without any accidents. I did start to lose it as I was leaving the parking lot of the supermarket. I was trying to cut into the next lane, there was a taxi, and he let me go before he went. My mum said that he was probably scared of the way that I drive. Don't all taxi drivers drive crazy sanyways? Or is that just a myth?

I just came back from a walk. I thought I was "in shape" but I was wrong. Walking up stairs and many of them at that is not easy. I just gave up after a while because I figured I was dehydrated and that I needed to sit on my bum and spod more. So here I am back at home blogging. I really need to get a life. What do you think?