
Happy Boxing Day!

Well for Boxing Day I got a leaky room. Yup it's back to two drips not one anymore. Boo! At least there's nothing that's really stopping me from living in the room other than that. I could sleep in the basement, but I'm sure I'd need a lot of clothes to keep me warm as well at a heat dish. Is that what those things are called? They look like a fan, but just have this brace around it with this red looking thing? Anyway, the day is just beginning and I forgot that today is Monday. Really. Do I look like a person who would give up one day to shop? Probably not, but I'm willing to give up one just so that I can just enjoy it.

No I'm not going to be one of those looking for good Christmas decorations to have for next year. I'm tempted to go out and get more PJs since the ones I wear are so-so. I think I should stop wearing what I am and get something that's cute and comfortable. (That's a bad word. I learned it from What Not to Wear." I have this adorable monkey PJ bottoms, but I have to hem them. Drat. I could spend Boxing day doing that.

Well, it's been an eventful day or night. Actually it's just beginning. And it's NOT beginning to look a lot like Christmas like that song says. That's over and today is a new day. I think I'll start to read the book I bought on Saturday.

Horoscope: Feeling detached is part of life. Sometimes, you need to give yourself some space. Still daydreaming? Well, stop it. Make some plans to go. Doesn't matter where it is -- it's time to hit the road. Inviting someone special along for the ride wouldn't be a bad idea, either.
Watching: Maid in Manhattan
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02