
Heartbreaker Part 2...

As I was sitting at home thinking about baseball (it's the off season and I didn't count down the days until opening day) I thought about my hubby. There's fantasy and reality. Reality is that he's married with a son. He's been married for two or three years. He grew up in the Midwest and so he's a good guy. If he did try anything I'd be flattered, but offended at the same time. I'm sure he's a nice guy and that's why he has a wife and they have a son together.

I'm happy with what I have and what I don't have. Life is good. People to hang out with on weekends and those that care about me. Baseball is only half a year long. Friends are all year long. I have the orange madness to keep my company and the monkey thing. Sure I look like a crazy person with a thing for monkeys.

In the end it's best the he's married and he's just my crush. It's like all the teenage girls out there back in the 90s when Leonardo DiCaprio was "god" to them. I think I'm like that too with baseball players. To me they have a job and you have to respect their privacy. Baseball players, football players, movie stars, musicians, and just regular TV personal should have a star quality. They are "larger" than life, and what they do is their business.

I'm just rambling now I wish Jack the best and hope he's happy and his son is healthy. I hope he loves his wife enough to not feel the need to cheat. I'll just have a fantasy where Jack is my husband. I'll have reality where there is someone for me. I'm thankful for reality and not fantasy.

Horoscope: "The love of flowers is really the best teacher of how to grow and understand them." - Max Schling
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