
Po Lam...

I went to Po Lam and got Naruto! Ok that sounds a bit odd but it is true. I bought those figurines in the egg machine. You know where you put money in and a container that is not an egg but sort of like one. You also have to put in some money before you can turn the knob and then it comes out. Well nonetheless, we got the whole set easily because there was not many left and they all had their own colors.

I got a new haircut! No, it is not super special but at least the guy explained why I had only needed a trim and not an actual haircut. He seems to be quite, what is the word I am looking for…knows a lot about hair. I also ordered a chocolate dipped ice cream cone. I find that when you have unlimited junk food at your fingertips you tend not to eat as much. I think it is completely reverse psychology.