
The decision to move...

It is a gloomy looking day. It took me ages to sleep last night. However, Ryan was right about keeping the curtains open. That somewhat works, but I just did not want to get up afterwards. I am too attached to the warm bed and blanket. If I could hear the heat turning, off at 8.00 a.m. that would be ideal. However, I am not one of those light sleepers. It is still bright outside considering there is no sun. Well better, get back to work on my paper.

Therefore, after the long talk I have had with Michael yesterday I have decided that I should move. Mai’s host parents made a good point that since we are paying all this money that we should be able to be happy and have fun while living here. Once again, I made it on time with my paper. Not bad for going to bed early and then not being able to sleep for an hour and a half and then finally going to bed and having a good swear or something that might have broken the fever that I thought I had. Michael also made the point about whatever does not hurt you will make you stronger. In addition, that is true.

Today was an easy day. I talked to Adam. He is still the one that keeps me sane. It is ironic. He can make me laugh and i forget all my problems. Should I head Italy after school ends? I had better check out the prices first tomorrow. The sun actually came out today.