
Out for a stroll on Sunday...

Today I saw the sun. Somewhat shocking since they reported that it would not be out. In addition, the weather report said that it would rain or was that partly cloudy and scattered showers? Oh well. I am in my room right now thinking about what I should be doing now. Should I read the book because of the quiz or should I work on the paper that is due on Tuesday and I have not a clue how long it is suppose to be etc.? I think I will go down and have some breakfast first. I cannot believe that Danni and Ben (host sister and brother) are loud and fight much more than I did. That is if memory serves me correctly. Should I head to town? Maybe Safeway, but that is all. No place else. Town? No too far. Safeway is somewhat far already or should I head to school? I will decide later. I have until 1 p.m. to decide what I want to do.

Everything does close early on a Sunday. I have never seen a supermarket close. Everything is so different over here. Come Easter it will be different. I might head on over to France. Nice to be exact. Should I go? I suppose since I have nothing else to do. I talked to Adam today. In addition, I never would have guessed that my fourth year I would end up meeting him. Those that I have said that I have wanted to meet I have not yet, but those that I have talked to the longest I want to meet. Jon is someone I have to meet. We have known each other since I was in the tenth grade. That is a long time. Although we do not speak to one another as we used to we still can carry a conversation, which I think is just fine. He helped me with my maths (math to us in America). Those were the days.