
Old and spacey...

Ever have one of those weeks or days where you have no idea what day of the week it is. Or have you ever wonder where the weekend went when it is 11.00 p.m. on Sunday night? I have been like this all week long. I have no idea what triggered this but this cannot be good. This is one of the worse times to be having it. The spacey feeling and not having control of time and how and what you did.

A perfect example of this would be going out for a meal and then when someone asks you about it you somewhat deny it. It is not I am denying it but in my mind all, it was going out for a meal. Nothing else seems to matter when you are in this spacey mode. You forget and think that old age might be a part of it.

I might give up at this age of 23 years and 5 months and just say that something has to spark my interest and keep my attention or I might just give up and become a nun. Sure why not that sounds like fun if Whoopi Goldberg portrayed them correctly in Sister Act and Sister Act 2. I would not mind teaching students or helping with fundraisers.

This is probably a lot of rambling because my brain has been shut off ever since May 29, 2004. I need to find the job that will lift my spirits or help me become another useful person. No talent and no job equal disaster. I am heading in that direction. Being old is no fun and being in a house all the time is really no fun. After a while, you go stir crazy and just find the strangest things to do. At least I have a cordless phone now to figure out what is wrong with it. My purpose for the moment is fixing the cordless phone.

Horoscope: Keep your head on your shoulders, don't pursue utopian projects.
Listening to: Step To Me - Spice Girls
Thinking about: Fixing cordless phone and what to do on Father's Day.
Mood: Bored