

Wow, I had no idea I'd be so tired at work. I worked and was in pain. The pain from badminton. Go figure. I'm sore and walk like an old lady. There wasn't much to do, but it did help that there was someone else to help out. The temp spend his last day and I was to resume. It was bad when the office manager told the temp they wouldn't be needing him since I was back.

Work was boring and I longed to be back in another country, I totally wished I was still back in Hong Kong. The strangest part was one of the property managers asked me about the economic conditions and I didn't really notice. I mean I answered as best as I could, but there are so many things that I don't know since I don't watch the news. I'm out and about every single day. The only thing that I did watch was HK Live.

Time to do some laundry and hope that I dry it when it's done washing.

Horoscope: Before you write your beliefs in stone, make sure you've done your research.
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