
Sunday morning...

Today I woke up and thought that maybe the thread had grown to 11K. That was wishful thinking on my part. I had helped it a little last night with all of those Jack Handey quotes. Those are truly priceless. They make you laugh and laugh some more.

Tomorrow is the day that I have to train someone. I know this sounds odd, but if I can't teach them to do a good job then I'll know I was a failure. The pressure is on. I made a long list of information for them to know. I hope they can understand it and if they don't, well then I'll know I didn't do a good job.

Notice the theme here? If I don't teach them well or leave good instructions then I'll know that I failed. OK on to what I did do today. I packed and repacked. I hope I have enough room to pack everything that I need to bring. I almost forgot my cousin's jerseys and his basketball. That would have been bad.

Horoscope: The finish line is right in front of you. One last push and you'll be there.
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Your $0.02