
Am I taking on too much?

I don't know what I got myself into when I started looking over leases. I mean sure it's good to know the information that they have and it's good to be on the computer, but it takes ages. I also had to play semi receptionist. That wasn't too bad, but the phones aren't for me.

I still don't have a salary. There are so many things to be done in the office it's not even funny. They need more people to help out. I'm one person who's helping out the whole office. That's just crazy. One me with one pair of hands and a pair of feet and one brain and half of one sometimes when I'm not awake.

I'm still thinking about this mini bus or coach that I saw that said First Bus. It reminded me of England. I'm missing there and the weather if there's snow. I don't miss the cold that's for sure. I wish I was going back. I need to take some time off and head over there. It'll be forever until I can get time off.

Last night while I was knitting on the same scarf since last week, I noticed that there was something wrong and I pulled it all off and then got most of it done I think. I think I redid about 1/3 of it.

Horoscope: A colleague's assistance is less than helpful. You might have to tackle this alone.
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Your $0.02