

The fax number is 221-2 um, 95 something. Yes, I accidentally gave the regular phone number as the fax number, but luckily I caught it in time. I just wasn't awake. I mean I knew I had to get out of bed, but my brain just didn't function. Then doing some regular filing I left filing inside the cabinet without putting it away. Bad, just terrible.

While trying to get information from one of our former vendors we ran across one who thought this was a funny message: "Hi you've reached me. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you." Yes, they really said you've reached me. Who the hell is me? Plus we had to find out where this person was located. I traced it to being a cell phone that is on the AT&T network. Scary stuff when I'm on psycho mode. OK that's the thing that woke me up and made me become a live.

I also spent about 15 minutes on the phone trying to change the voice mail personsal greeting. Really I can't work it even with the instruction book. Quite sad if you ask me. There's always tomorrow.

After doing that I was sentenced to the "attic". I was there for a good hour or something until my back couldn't take it anymore and I had to feed myself. My stomach was hungry for food and I needed a break. In reality I didn't take lunch until 3.18 p.m. When I finally had lunch I had about less than an hour until the work day was done.

I was the topic about being small and fitting into small spaces, but it wasn't as bad as the one said about the property manager. One of the vendors said that one of the property managers looked like he was in his second trimester. That was just hilarious. Thank god it wasn't me. The property manager was OK about it, but then again I don't think he heard it. And that was my work day.

Horoscope: You know exactly what a friend's going through. Make yourself available.
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