
Late start Sunday...

What did I do today? First I went to bed around 4.00 a.m. and for some reason the tenant downstairs was up too but smoking. I heard him shut the door. I did go to sleep and then I woke up around 11.15 a.m. and then decided I was too tired and went back to sleep until roughly 1.30 p.m.

I have started to work on my paper again this time with books and just looking them over to see if there is anything of use to me. I should probably make a reminder on my phone to go to the library to pick up the stuff I forgot to on Wednesday. I should also return the books that I do not need.

Overall, today was not that bad. I saw an episode of The Simpsons that I had missed while away so that it was a new one to me but a rerun to those that watch it regularly. Better, get back to work and I think I have done well for Lent. I only had chocolate cake, but it was not real chocolate so that does not count right?

Horoscope: You won't give up. Give them room to stand back. You don't want to roll over anyone.

Listening to: 12 Girls Band They are superb. I highly recommend that you get this and listen to them. They take Chinese traditional instruments and make music sound beautiful and relaxing. I have seen a little bit of Miracle and them live and are really are good.

Gas prices are expensive now a days. Just find the location you are from or your area and you can get a price check for the past 8 to 72 hours. My solution is here. All parts of the Bay Area. Just look on the left hand side around the middle and choose your location.