

As I was rudely awaken this morning by the sound of a neighbor getting rid of a pine tree I was still half asleep. You may ask why am I complaining. I am because I am not feeling well and it seems like I am worse today than yesterday. You would think that some sleep would help. Yes it did but not if you are forced to be up at about half past eight.

I decided to give up on the sleep and watch anime instead. I finished a whole DVD and then decided to make some food. I had breakfast first and then just sat and did nothing afterwards. After a while, I just decided to work on my webpage for a while and watch some soap. Taking one of the two Tylenol allergy and sinus did not help. I think it made it worse. Oh, well now I know what works and what does not.

In the afternoon the lack of sleep caught up to me and as my brother says when a nap attacks you have to nap (or something like that). I did take a few hours off to rest and just decided to get up because sleeping was nice, but I have homework that I have to do.

Horoscope: Fulfill your destiny. Only you know what it is. You'll explain once you have proof.