
Baseball history...

So far Barry Bonds has hit numbers 660 and 661 in two days. When people ask me where was I when Barry Bonds hit 660 I can honestly say at Albertsons. Doing what I am not sure. I was either paying, getting chicken broth, or putting it in the car after I paid. Today Barry hit number 661. where was I when this happened? Not watching it on TV because Fox Sports Network decided to show the Sharks game (no offence to the fans of hockey) but I could have seen it at least the replay after it happen. Which brings me back to where was I. I was eating dinner when Barry hit 661. History is history, but if you can see history in the making you are lucky.

The things that have happened in my lifetime are: being in Spain when the war in Iraq started, Barry Bonds breaking Willie Mays’s record, Bush Jr. in power, Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor, five gay guys making over one straight guy at a time, and Michelle Kwan being the most decorated figure skater in history.

Oh I was wrong about the game and I should have been from the beginning because no baseball game could end in two hours except with rain delays and such. Two hours and 45 minutes the game was tonight.