
I woke up with Pink Eye?

I am not sure what Pink Eye is, but if South Park taught me anything, it is bad. Of course, I am not a zombie, but I do know if it is contagious. I went to WebMD for help to see if it could help me out if I have Red Eye or Pink Eye. It might just be do not study and take the day off. But I refuse to give into my laziness. Maybe it was from the red wine and 7 Up I had last night. However, I doubt it. This has never happened to me before. Well I will get to studying. I cannot believe that my file is taking forever to download. Maybe I should add my laptop one to my desktop to see if I can download it. this is ridiculous. It is suppose to be 92 today. Oy I am going to bake.

"You fit in well. Your voice is pleasant. You could be a fine leader if you wanted." - Horoscope