
Music sets the mood...

I had a cup of coffee or frappichino or something. I do not know what it is exactly called but it is some for of coffee. There was no sugar so I did not get a sugar buzz. I know when I need coffee and this morning was one. At least I had a cup to drink. I did not even mind that it was cold. Just knowing that I had some caffeine was fine for me. I was also glad that I had it because I forgot to bring a jacket or sweatshirt only because I would get the weather SMS to my mobile. I did not get the weather until it was too late or when I was already at school.

I filled up the gas tank and then proceeded to head on home. I took my time driving home. Ok I did not, but it was only because of the music that I was listening to. it made me turn into one of those crazy drivers that swerve or go into the next lane on accident. So who would not rock out to Blur's Song 2? I know I was when I was listening to it and then Chumbawumba's Tubthumping about drinking and getting drunk. I know I cannot drink and drive but I did the legal version with water.

I head to the mall to run some errands and it seemed like eternity. I head to my favorite store in the mall first hoping to find something new and cute and me. It is Aeropostale. The only reason why I would say such a thing is that I spent forever picking out matching outfits for a baby boy. See that is hard to do, where as a girl, you can just pick out a dress and you are done. Therefore, I buy the clothes that I picked out and head over to See's Candy. That stuff is yummy! I drive home and what car should appear out of nowhere but a Ferrari. It was so nice and red and looked good.

While driving on 19th avenue and crossing the Sloat intersection and it was yellow and I floored it, but I just hope that in a few weeks there is not some letter from the DPT (Department of Parking and Traffic) with my picture in there. Those of you who live in San Francisco or drive around there know there are those bloody cameras that take your picture if you run a red light. I parked beautifully and too perfect once I arrived home.

"Explanations are incomplete. Happiness is personal. The world beckons playfully." - Horoscope