
Rain water in my room...

in a bucket. I can't believe I slept OK last night considering that I had to put up with the dripping noise, a phone call, and thunder. Today at work as crazy. I hit my head as stated in the last post and I don't think I recovered from it. I think if I was well I'd still have the chance to hit my head.

I started to watch the baseball game but then switched to the news because I need to know how long my cold will last. I know it'll be at least two weeks. I can't believe that the mail or stamp machine at work really had the seal feature, but no one knew how to use it. My GOD! I spend time with stupid glue sticks to seal them. Wet is better than glue stick.

Horoscope: The road may be full of potholes. Be prepared to get some mud on your tires.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: getting well...
Your $0.02