

I do not really have anything to blog today. Nothing really interesting happened. I could make an 11.00 p.m. run to Macy’s but I do not feel like it. Just sort of took it easy. Just catching up on TV that I taped during the week. I am Watching Miss Match now.

I suppose laundry is an option. Is that was people do most of the time? Watch TV and do laundry? I should because if I do not then I will end up doing laundry when I come home. Ok that is a little gross or too much information.

Bad news: my ADSL will be canceled (yes you read canceled) this weekend. I will not know how often I can be connected or connecting to the internet. Unless someone has an AOL (if I am super desperate), please allow me to use dial up.

Cheers in advance. I still have one more final on Wednesday I might study and still be on, but reply late. Yes for real. Good luck on the rest of everyone else’s finals!

"Avoid all the users and losers. The right person thanks you. Relax and replenish." - Horoscope

I could not agree more with those words.