
I've got a bird brain?!?

At about 6.39 p.m. I freed the bird. OK I have to give some credit to Pringles because once you pop you can't stop or something like that. I had the Pringle crumbs to get the bird to eat them. Good plan right? As soon as I notice it wasn't there I thought maybe the bird went to go eat. Ah ha! I was crorrect. Then I just shood the bird near the gate and in crashed roughly three to four times before it escaped from the bottom. Moran of the story: birds do know how to escape on their own (dad said that) BUT they must have food to do so. That was me and my logical thinking that helped it escape or it would have crapped on everyone's shoes.

Lesson here: be glad that Pringle crumbs can get a bird out of your house and that you had the smarts to think of it.

MOTD (Message of the day):iPH J00 C@N REYD THIS, YOU'R3 4 FUC|Site of the day: Queen of Wands
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