
From a two a.m. fire drill to dead stuff…

It was nice hearing the same smoke detector go off at 2.45 a.m. when I was in a somewhat deep sleep after going to bed early at about 10.45 p.m. I enjoyed it, the smoke detector going off. I really did. I just chose to ignore it as I did last time it went off because this time I knew that someone would turn it off. The reason why I went to bed so early was because I was truly tired (did not feel tired when I went to bed) at school and since I had been lacking sleep all last week I felt I had to catch up on it last night. I was surprised to see the VCR on this morning. I checked to see why it was still on and it seems like I made a mistake of setting the timer wrong for taping headlines until 11.57 a.m. That was silly of me.

I left at 6.55 a.m. a little later than usual because I had to ask my brother for the laptop. He does not have school today and I forgot. Granted I can borrow one at school for four hours at a time, but there is nothing like your own laptop. Plus I forgot my disk that I need to type my stuff onto. I had a copy on my hard drive/desktop anyway. I arrived at school parked and everything at 7.46 a.m. Not too bad considering I was going 80, M.P.H. at some point and probably hit 90 as well.

It had definitely been a while since I have posted about dead road kill. Well it was gross. The deer on the side of the road before the Burlingame exit or after was gross. There was something else too but I forgot what it was. At least this one was still together. I hope not to mention anymore but I cannot keep my promises on that.

I must finish watching Sailor Moon. Then I have to work on another paper due next Tuesday for my film class which will be easy but also means that I have two papers next week due. Arg. Arrr! (Why did I not type ‘arrrr’ on Talk Like A Pirate Day?) Ok off to finish Sailor Moon and then read some stuff. What should I do about lunch? Oh I watched The Simpsons last night. It was ok, not the best one, plus the fact I taped over Joe Millionaire (bummed about that one) and probably over The Simpsons too.