
My horrible day…

Ok it was not that horrible. I was able to access the internet while in “nap class” (that is Buddhism for those of you that do not know. While typing the notes my wrist started to hurt. So that is not good or ever a good sign. While in my other nap class I guess I was just stir crazy or something because I was awake but space. I continued this way when I was in the car.

I was going to buy a milk tea at this place called Hydration Co. on third street but I thought I’ll just swing by Cupertino to see if it makes a difference out of my drive. I start the car and I drive forgetting to put down the parking break. Yes I forgot. You would think I would not having driven for so long now. I forgot. I only noticed it when I saw the red light that said brake. So my bad on that one on forgetting the brake it happens so get over it!

I head to the gas station and fill up. I thought why not leave the way I usually do. But then this guy in a green Acura goes back on 11th to go on Santa Clara to turn left on 10th street. He was a genius at that point in my eyes. I thought I guess I will do the same thing. I exit on Santa Clara leaving from the gas station and scrapped the car (already suffered a little damage while I was getting the air gage thingy). I went to Albertsons to pick up more broth. Yes, I know we must have eaten a can or 10 by now. I leave and then head off to Cupertino for the milk tea.

It is not really out of the way. I just cannot stand speed bumps. I turn off the engine to find myself staring at the sky (I had open the sunroof while leaving from Albertsons and I forgot to close it) and I just said I’ll turn on the alarm and if someone steals the car oh well. I got back and the car was still there so nothing happened. The worse that could have happened was a bird flying by and going you know in it.

I arrive home to mail the letter (absentee ballot) and if I mailed it from San Jose I wonder what those people would think. Then I head off to the gas station to fill the tires with air. They were not even and so I made them even. The only bad part is I forgot which one needed air. I ended up filling them both up and so they should be even now. the only problem was when I was trying to back out and get out of the station this stupid little red Mercedes pulled up next to me making it hard for me to get out. It was embarrassing have the mechanic direct me out. It took me a couple of tries too to get out.

I parked the car and then I looked and I was too far away from the sidewalk so I had to re-park it. Now it is all perfect. Now I am just killing time until I head to CompUSA for their 6-hour madness.