
Almost there...

Minutes of TV watched 120, weight same (even if I said my weight no one would believe me), minutes spent thinking about Bridget Jones 60 (too many), chocolate 3 (not good at all)

8.55 p.m. have finished taking a shower to refresh myself and to keep me going for the rest of the night. Not sure how this will work as I must be up at 6.00 a.m. and be at school and sitting in the classroom at 8.00 a.m. parking will be a pain I am sure. There is never parking on Fridays. I must leave house at 6.30 a.m. to ensure parking spot.

Thinking back to the time I was in JROTC and the sayings there were I remember one well that might keep me motivated.

Motivated, motivated, damn well motivated.
Ooo ahhh, you know.

Those might not have been the exact words but somewhere along those lines. Back to studying for the last time, last time.

9.26 p.m. have just finished reading the first of the three articles that are in PDF format. Have taken notes but will probably end up forgetting what was read and doubt there will be many questions on final about each of the articles. Reading them is better than not reading them.

10.04 p.m. finished reading second article but have managed to find excuse to have chocolate. The total is now up to four. I have thought about checking eBay but then thought a chat would be a better treat for reading an article. However if there is no one to chat with then might as well spend time on eBay. No one to chat will so will head to eBay.

Mood: Self pitty.
Listening to: Computer humming.
Thinking about: Finishing up studying and not staying up late but waking up earlier to get an early start.