
Crazy antics and a "hot" topic...

Chocolate 5, water 4 oz. (v. bad), seconds hula hooped 30 (way lower than expected but first try in a while)

12.03 a.m. watching Fooly Cooly. I love this anime. Only six episodes and it is strange but interesting. The DVDs are not worth buying because there are only two on each DVD. I would suggest asking a friend who has it on a CD to borrow it and watch it.

Hula hoping in a room that is not that big and for about a minute and 40 seconds is good. Have not hula hooped in years. I guess I can now watch TV and work out at the same time. I have to get it to go around fast because if it is slow it takes more work, which good but then more work. That sentence was so redundant. I also have to learn again how to maintain it in a certain area. Once it starts going down I have to squat a little bring it back up and I forgot it was a little work to do that too. Hmm if I am complaining now I should give up.

Ok not going to give up. I guess it just takes practice. I am sitting and waiting until She Spies comes on. My life has been somewhat reduced to or revolves around friends and TV.

It seems to me that the discussion about how "white" guys always want the "cute" Asian girl. I do not see anything wrong with this but after a while; it is more what is it that white guys see in Asian girls? Is it so they can have a trophy or because it is something different? I just do not get it. Sometimes I do most times I do not.

The media is a big part about how couples should look or portray it as the beautiful people ends up together. Just look at Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, and others who I cannot think of. If everyone was brought to look beyond images or appearance we would not be having this discussion. I do not think it is always true. The fact that reality TV shows proves it wrong and even the "Average Joe" picks the hot chick and not "Plain Jane." Is it a physical thing or just the appearance? I want to know. Is it I want what she has but "Plain Jane" does not have what I want because she is plain looking?

Ok enough of this. It is 3.30 a.m. and I do not have the brain power to think about this topic anymore.

Horoscope: There is only one person who matters right now. You know who that is. Focus.
Listening to:
Thinking about: How to defend "Plain Jane".