
New phone and Jennifer information...

2.45 p.m. found out my phone has a crack on the screen. You know what this means. Time for a new phone that will be superior! I think I shall get a Nokia but I am not sure they offer ones with MMS.

3.43 p.m. finally have the tapioca made. Mmmm, tapioca. I think I have the two cups worth from the ones I drank yesterday. They were so chewy with the perfect amount of chew like gummy worms or gummy bears.

4.43 p.m. and watching Major League 2. Even though I have seen it at least three times this month it is still funny. Nothing else going on except looking for a new phone.

6.00 p.m. watching QEftSG and it is funny. I feel sorry for Thom. He has probably the most work to do. The best line had to be by Diana his girlfriend, "He is like a bear." My Friends DVD finally came. It has been a week. Too long and I love the fact that I have it now. I just need the three remaining seasons.

7.40 p.m. I turn to FSN and see that A.J. Pierzynski is up and the bases are load with one out. I said and these are my EXACT words, "Grand Slam." He actually did it. I was just shocked. I mean literally you want to right about this stuff and not look stupid, but the fact he hit one out of the park was like, "Oh my god!"

I could not believe what I saw. The Giants won the game nonetheless which is good. While watching Major League 2 the coach or manager made it a point that said you win one already and then you win another and then the third one means you are on a streak. The Giants are on a streak.

It feels like summer now for some reason. Maybe because I have nothing to study for and nothing to look forward to which is depressing. On the one hand, it means I am an adult but on the other hand, I can no longer have summer breaks.

Watching VH1 because that is what old people do. I know I am not old but still. They are doing the VH1 All Access: _________________ (you fill in the blank with all the different ones they do) and I ran across this while searching for something. It has to do with Jen.

* The name Jennifer was the number one ranked name given to girls in the United States during the 1970's. More than 581,000 girls were given the name at birth. This does not include girls whose name is a variation of Jennifer.
* One of the richest Jennifer's in the world is Jennifer Katherine Gates -- the seven year old daughter of Microsoft founder, Bill Gates.
* The pet name for any female animal is Jenny.
* The Spinning Jenny, a famous cotton-spinning machine, was invented by James Hargreaves in 1764.
* Jenny shoes are a brand of women's footwear available in the UK and North America.
* Hurricane Jennifer was a hypothetical storm system used to carry out emergency drills in the US in 1995.
* Project Jennifer was a secret 1970s CIA operation covertly seeking the nuclear launch codes from a Russian submarine.

Nine more facts about Jennifer as if there were not enough online somewhere. Here's more about the episode.

Mood: Depressed. =(
Watching: VH1 All Access: Awesomely Badder Videos
Listening to:
Thinking about: Job and getting out of this slight depression.