
Last final!!!

7.30 a.m. driving too fast and thought that the gas tank would be empty or something before I reached San Jose. Instead, I was driving too fast in the beginning but when the light turned on and the gauge when back up I thought I am ok. I am driving and knew there would be no CHP on the roads but just to be sure, I did slow down.

I was shocked when I noticed a funny looking car in the fast lane. I thought what kind of car would have lights or a rack on the top on the roof. Little did I know that while I was going at least 80 M.P.H. at the time I would not be stopped by the nice officer. I was slowing down and I was worried I would have no gas left. The unlucky car that was stopped was a little yellow beetle with personalized plates.

9.11 a.m. I have taken my absolute last final. Well ok maybe not my last if I decide to go back to school. Maybe it was 9.10 a.m. I think I did ok on my final. I actually have a sore right hand and I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact I have carpel tunnel? Who knows?

Well I have to finish this and check out the gas prices. I could check out a book but it would be a pain to return it on the day of graduation. I might just find Bridget Jones's Diary and find out what exactly is inner poise.

Oh parking was really a pain today. Just thought I would put that in. At least I found a spot.

Mood: Relieved.
Listening to:
Thinking about: What to buy at the mall and when the tapioca place opens. Should I get the free one today?